Nurses sing is not prohibited. Moreover, the tendency has been singing since sediment. "Since I was little visible tomboi. I prefer to wear trousers instead of short skirt. My friends any more guy, "said Emmy Mariana Labib recall while imagining the past time.
I wonder if H Helmi Labib (almarum) and Hj Djurtinah agree to enter its single child to the school nurse, so graduating junior. "Because the school is a lot of his daughter, my parents hope I can nature tomboi lost," said Emmy who had some education SPK and Education Program Midwife Inpres 'Kesehatan Daerah Militer' (Kesdam) VI Tanjung Pura, Banjarmasin.
However, the desire Emmy in the small back in the crowd grew when he found his friend who has a 'breath' the same. Emmy and formed a group called New Girls Band, which personelnya all women. After three years fill the stage Barito Pub, music group this fall.
Emmy pace in the entertainment continues with Khatuliswa Band. "Since I was also a fanciful cause the album. Therefore, I started collecting material on track, "said the woman, who was born on 23 April this.
Lucky, Emmy meet with Dewiq which then contributed two songs for the debut albums, Tell me who is selected as the first single, and 'Gantikan Dia'. Album titled 'Secara Aku Wanita' contains 10 tracks, which is also decorated a number of works of famous musicians kind of Tohpati, Pay, and Thomas 'GIGI'.
In addition, Hendy 'GIGI' which also comes from Bhopal consecutive Emmy support the realization of a dream. "I am grateful to get support from so many people to realize the serious desire in my singing. I just want to sing, that, "said Emmy.
01 Singer Emmy Labib Title Hits Song '5 Menit Putus'.
02 Singer Emmy Labib Title Hits Song 'Salah Arti'.
03 Singer Emmy Labib Title Hits Song 'Percuma'.
04 Singer Emmy Labib Title Hits Song 'Gantikan Dia'.
05 Singer Emmy Labib Title Hits Song 'Dunia Cinta'.
06 Singer Emmy Labib Title Hits Song 'Tell Me'.
07 Singer Emmy Labib Title Hits Song 'Sinar'.
08 Singer Emmy Labib Title Hits Song 'Aku Dan Laguku'.
09 Singer Emmy Labib Title Hits Song 'Secara Aku Wanita'.
10 Singer Emmy Labib Title Hits Song 'Kamulah Satu Satunya'.
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