'Benci' version is made while the ballad hits that popularize their name 'Antara Ada dan Tiada' re-created acoustically. Pia (vocal), Indra (bass), Dodo (guitar) and Tommy (drums) stand in the path of rock that most other people enjoy playing them.
Overview of songs on this album sounds not far different from their previous works. However, there are certainly different. Now they evaluate works well to not heard too dark.
As the hits on their song 'Baby Doll'. For the first promo of this song can have first heard as the soundtrack serial TV the same title.
Beat with a clean, Utopia invites listeners back, given its infancy. From the title song tells about this 'baby doll'. However, if his read the lyrics, as it is more appropriate given to someone not like us.
Most of the songs on this album is still talked about the pain the heart, brand, lonely and love. Try to listen to 'Lelah' and 'Selamanya'.
Tracklist :
01 Utopia Title hits song 'Indah'
02 Utopia Title hits song 'Serpihan Hati'
03 Utopia Title hits song 'Baby Doll'
04 Utopia Title hits song 'Telah Habis'
05 Utopia Title hits song 'Benci' (Ballad Version)
06 Utopia Title hits song 'Apapun Yang Terjadi'
07 Utopia Title hits song 'Selamanya'
08 Utopia Title hits song 'Hujan'
09 Utopia Title hits song 'Lelah'
10 Utopia Title hits song 'Antara Ada dan Tiada' (Acoustic Version)
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